Monday, January 16, 2012

The Laundry Closet

All of us have a space in our home that is just not very functional. Mine is the laundry room Well, seeing as it is only slightly larger than the foyer closet, for all intents and purposes its a laundry closet. And like most closets it's difficult to organize and it collects clutter.

With the repair guy coming to look at the washing machine today, I thought I should take some time and clean it out. I actually took some before pictures, but I'm a smidge embarrassed to show them.

(please don't judge me by my before pics)

(yes, I really needed four pictures to show-off)

Now, before you think I'm superwoman (ok, you can stop laughing now), I only organized one cabinet and one drawer. My goal was to make sure nothing falls on the poor unsuspecting repair guy. I'm really hoping that he can fix it TODAY!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Nice job! And you should use however many pictures you want to show your good work! I had the plumber here this afternoon to fix something in the basement. You should have seen me frantically straightening my basement...for the plumber. How ridiculous am I?
