Friday, April 20, 2012

Week in Review (vol 3)

Not too much has been going on around here this week. I've mostly been playing catch-up; however, I did manage to dredge up a few things to bore you with. Enjoy!

This week I attempted to make homemade vegan yogurt. It wasn't all that good. I'm not sure what went wrong, but it didn't have that yummy yogurt tang. And the consistency was a little odd. I think that I will give it one more try though. I really like the idea of making my own.

For those of you who are knitters, crafters, sewers, scrapbookers, etc., you know that Jo-Ann Fabrics is having a sale. I know, Jo-Ann's runs sales all the time, but this is a SALE! This time they have McCall's patterns for $0.99. And I've had my eye on this pattern for a while:

Ever since my Knit Sib Michelle showed me her little fold-up bag, I knew I just had to steal hers make one of my own.

For those of you who are familiar with McCall's patterns, they are expensive. And they don't go on sale very often. So while I was there I had to take a look. I may have picked up one or two additional patterns. Please don't tell the Engineer.

The fabric was on sale too.

I noticed somewhere around Tuesday that we were out of food. So I'm not sure how I made it through the rest of the week without going to the grocery store. I went this morning. I only bring this up because I really hate putting the groceries away!

Thursday, April 19, 2012


This post actually starts with my attempt to make homemade vegan yogurt. I needed some mason jars to put the yogurt in while it was "yogurting". Now I knew that I had some laying around because I had dabbled in canning a LONG time ago. And since I always knew I'd get back to it, I just couldn't part with them.

After some searching, I found what I was looking for hiding in a dark corner of the basement:

So I opened it up, and instead of a boxed filled with clean empty jars, I was surprised to see...


Now, I can't remember the last time I made pickles. It might have been before the Princess was born. (I didn't write a date on the pickle jar.) I did remember however, that the last batch of pickles was exceptionally good. So I did what any sane a rational person would do, I tired them!

OMG! It was FABULOUS! All that was left was some pickle juice.

There, on the plate, can you see it?

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Catch Up

As I mentioned yesterday, a lot has been going on here in the last two months.

I've finished some knitting projects, are you surprised?

The Princess's Cardigan

Morgan (I know this is a very bad picture)

The Bear's Happy Birthday Vest. I finished last night!!!!
(I still have to get some good pictures of him wearing it.)

A baby gift (vest and hat) for the Bear's teacher, she had a beautiful baby boy at the beginning of April.  I'm sorry to say that I don't have a picture. I was up against one of those pesky knitting deadlines (she left on maternity leave 2 weeks early) and I plum forgot!

I found out that I'm going to be an Aunt, twice! Both my sister, and my sister-in-law are due in October. Needless to say there is much baby knitting going on around here. I have already finished knitting Part 1 of The Epic Baby Project!  Sorry no pictures at this time as this is a big surprise, and I don't want to give anything away.

Other than my spare bedroom (which I think will be a separate post), I'm woefully behind on my house cleaning and decluttering. Fly Lady and I have become more of occasional acquaintances than everyday friends over the last two months. I really need to reconnect!

I think I'll leave it here for now.  I wouldn't want to overwhelm you with two full months all at one time. Besides, I have to stretch this catch up post out a bit. I don't really have any ideas right now for the rest of the week.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Time Allocation

Wow I can't believe that it's been over two months since I’ve written a blog post. As you can imagine a lot has been going on over here. I will try to get you all caught up in the next week or so, but for now let’s talk knitting.

Last Monday, my baby boy turned 9! I really can’t figure out where 9 years have gone. What does this have to do with knitting you may ask? Well, I decided that I was going to knit him a sweater vest for his birthday. And not just any sweater vest, this sweater vest…

I’ve been eyeing it for few years now. Considering that the pattern only goes up to a size 8 (not that this has ever stopped me before), I thought that this might be a good time to actually knit it!

Now, I’m normally a fairly good judge of how long it will take me to knit an item. The baby version (6 month size) took me under a week. So I thought no problem, I can knock this thing out in about 2 weeks. I made some progress, but…

I forgot that I had invited 30 people to my Passover Seder, and I started it late. This is a bad combination when it comes to knitting deadlines. Needless to say I’ve missed mine. I still have half a front, and some ribbing left to knit. What are the odds that I can finish it by tonight?