Monday, April 16, 2012

Time Allocation

Wow I can't believe that it's been over two months since I’ve written a blog post. As you can imagine a lot has been going on over here. I will try to get you all caught up in the next week or so, but for now let’s talk knitting.

Last Monday, my baby boy turned 9! I really can’t figure out where 9 years have gone. What does this have to do with knitting you may ask? Well, I decided that I was going to knit him a sweater vest for his birthday. And not just any sweater vest, this sweater vest…

I’ve been eyeing it for few years now. Considering that the pattern only goes up to a size 8 (not that this has ever stopped me before), I thought that this might be a good time to actually knit it!

Now, I’m normally a fairly good judge of how long it will take me to knit an item. The baby version (6 month size) took me under a week. So I thought no problem, I can knock this thing out in about 2 weeks. I made some progress, but…

I forgot that I had invited 30 people to my Passover Seder, and I started it late. This is a bad combination when it comes to knitting deadlines. Needless to say I’ve missed mine. I still have half a front, and some ribbing left to knit. What are the odds that I can finish it by tonight?

1 comment:

  1. I have seen you can certainly finish tonight.
