This week I attempted to make homemade vegan yogurt. It wasn't all that good. I'm not sure what went wrong, but it didn't have that yummy yogurt tang. And the consistency was a little odd. I think that I will give it one more try though. I really like the idea of making my own.
For those of you who are knitters, crafters, sewers, scrapbookers, etc., you know that Jo-Ann Fabrics is having a sale. I know, Jo-Ann's runs sales all the time, but this is a SALE! This time they have McCall's patterns for $0.99. And I've had my eye on this pattern for a while:
Ever since my Knit Sib Michelle showed me her little fold-up bag, I knew I just had to
For those of you who are familiar with McCall's patterns, they are expensive. And they don't go on sale very often. So while I was there I had to take a look. I may have picked up one or two additional patterns. Please don't tell the Engineer.
The fabric was on sale too.
I noticed somewhere around Tuesday that we were out of food. So I'm not sure how I made it through the rest of the week without going to the grocery store. I went this morning. I only bring this up because I really hate putting the groceries away!