Friday, October 24, 2014

Week in Review


Have I mentioned that I love knitting? Well I cases you missed it, I rarely go a day without knitting something. I've also discovered that I enjoy teaching knitting just as much. I have been teaching classes at my favorite yarn shop, The Artful Yarn in Chagrin Falls, OH.

On Sunday I started a new three series class on the Carradal Shawl. I have a great group of ladies! However, I was very nearly late to my own class. I must have looked at the schedule 10 times, and It never occurred to me that it was a physical impossibility to make it to the shop and set up for a 1pm class. I think I need better time management skills.


I can't believe that Halloween is just around the corner. I went to Village Discount to find bits and pieces for Little Miss M's costume. Now to start sewing. Photos to come, I hope.


On Wednesday, I helped my knitsib Michelle get ready for Vogue Knitting Live. She makes the most beautiful shawl pins (as seen in the above shawl).


I finished a project! This is: Easy Brioche Scarf, knit in Malabrigo Mecha, colorway Piedras.

That's about it, I lead a very boring life.

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