Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Why isn't that project done yet?

I am very jealous of monogamous knitters. They will pick a project, cast-on, and happily knit until they have a beautiful finished object. I'm just not wired that way. For those of you who know me well, you know that I always have multiple knitting projects on my needles. I tend to bring two, three or four different projects with me. I also have a few crochet projects in varying stages of completion as well. I rotate them quite frequently. Here are a few of my active WIPs (Work In Progress):

Back to the question at hand, why isn't it done yet? In order to answer that question I have to map out my highly thoughtful completely random thought process

Did you follow all that? Don't worry, most of the time I don't either. Not to complicate things more, but there are also other factors that determine which projects I work on.
  1. Is the project in reach? I'm lazy plain and simple. I tend to grab the nearest project.
  2. Knitting ADD! I can only work on a project for so long before I get bored. Sometimes I will work on more than one project in the same hour.
  3. I'm teaching a class. Most of my classes need a sample available to show off.
  4. Have I fallen out of love with a project?
  5. Is the project giving me trouble? If you knit or crochet regularly, you know that some projects just need to spend some time in the time out corner.
  6. This one is mostly geared towards the kids. the more they pester me about a project, the less I want to work on it.
  7. I'm sure I've missed a few things, but this is all I could think of today. 
Here is the real answer to the question:
Why isn't that project done yet?
It just isn't!

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